LymeTV has a variety of programs that promote public health best practices & advance our mission of reducing the incidence of dangerous tick-borne diseases. Our organization was founded on the concept of educating through video & other visual media to reach a wider audience. Our communication efforts use humor to drive engagement since people retain learned content better when they are entertained.

CME & Presentations for Clinical Workforce
The most successful way to reduce tick-borne diseases from doing maximum damage to the host body is to diagnose early & to treat properly. LymeTV connects doctor offices with research & educational material, globally, to help keep the staff abreast of early diagnosis criteria & much-overlooked co-infection information. Together, we can help prevent multitudes of patients from being underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed, which may lead to patient deterioration if all agents are not identified &/or not treated early or successfully.

Education for Industry Sectors
The most proactive way to reduce the prevalence of tick-borne diseases is through awareness & prevention. LymeTV provides free lectures to academic institutions, nurses unions, agricultural workforce groups, businesses, & other nonprofits wanting to educate their employees about the dangers of ticks & the diseases they can transmit.
LymeTV has cultivated partnerships with other public health organizations, shelters & medical clinics for the unhoused, organizations that work with the underserved, youth nonprofits, & more. We provide free tick repellent & permethrin-treated socks to our shelter partners. We collaborate with & provide health education for our other organizational partners.

Bagels & Bug Spray
LymeTV hosts community events geared to provide the Maine unhoused community free bug spray & tick information. At these events, we give away free baked goods & tick information to all passersby, & also free EPA-Approved tick repellent & collection kits to the local unhoused community since they are at high risk. We have served hundreds of people per year through these events. Additionally, we directly distribute tick spray, permethrin-treated socks, & prevention information to our community partners that work with the unhoused & underserved populations. Community collaborations & partnerships allow us to expand our programs & reach more people.

Community Centers & Health Events
LymeTV partners with community non-profits, medical centers, health organizations, libraries, organizations such as the Girl Scouts, & other community centers to provide free Tick Talks & health information to the public. These gatherings are open to the entire community to attend & to learn more about protecting themselves from dangerous tick bites.
PSA Commercial Series
LymeTV's PSA (Public Service Announcement) commercial series shows the dangers of Lyme disease & other tick-borne diseases through 30-60 second clips, which are currently broadcast on the Internet.
Tick Talk Series
LymeTV's filmed Tick Talk series consists of informative & dynamic ten-minute segments on various important topics ranging from Why A Patient May Still Be Sick to How To Read Tests.
Informal Dialogue Series
LymeTV interviews a variety of exceptional individuals who have made a career change or a significant difference in the world after their own battles with tick-borne diseases. Their stories & information are impactful.
Documentary - Lyme: Shifting the Paradigm
LymeTV's documentary highlights the advances in Lyme disease research. The film also features the hurdles that many Lyme patients face trying to get proper care & early diagnosis. All of us at LymeTV are very excited about the incredible interviews & are honored to work with such a great team as we continue production on our film.